Geoscience Reference
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it is impossible to characterize the state simply as
environmental pariah or ecological guardian.
Governments clearly reflect important frameworks
in and through which humans collectively relate
and respond to the environment. As we move
further into the Anthropocene, however, it appears
likely that states will play a vital role in address-
ing some of this era's greatest environmental
challenges, while through other policies the very
same governments will generate new ecological
threats and challenges.
of Florida, The University of Chicago Press,
Chicago. This topic provides a comprehensive
account of the emerging role of state authorities
in the Florida Everglades.
Whitehead, M. (2009) State, Science and the Skies:
Governmentalities of the British Atmosphere,
Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford. Consult this volume
for more information on the London fog disaster
and the broader history of atmospheric
government in the UK.
Whitehead, M., Jones, R. and Jones, M. (2007) The
Nature of the State: Excavating the Political
Ecologies of the Modern State, Oxford
University Press, Oxford. This volume provides
a detailed introduction to state theory and its
application to environmental concerns. It also
introduces a series of contemporary and
historical case studies of state-environment
Hollander, G.M. (2008) Raising Cane in the 'Glades:
The Global Sugar Trade and the Transformation
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