Geoscience Reference
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class Buildings - Core 2D
Buildings - Base
+ inspireId: Identifier
«voidable, lifeCycleInfo»
+ beginLifespanVersion: DateTime
+ endLifespanVersion: DateTime [0..1]
conditionOfConstruction: ConditionOfConstructionValue
dateOfConstruction: DateOfEvent [0..1]
dateOfDemolition: DateOfEvent [0..1]
dateOfRenovation: DateOfEvent [0..1]
elevation: Elevation [0..*]
externalReference: ExternalReference [0..*]
heightAboveGround: HeightAboveGround [0..*]
name: GeographicalName [0..*]
+ geometry: GM_Object
+ horizontalGeometryReference: HorizontalGeometryReferenceValue
+ referenceGeometry: Boolean
+ verticalGeometryReference: ElevationReferenceValue [0..1]
buildingNature: BuildingNatureValue [0..*]
currentUse: CurrentUse [0..*]
numberOfBuildingUnits: Integer [0..1]
numberOfDwellings: Integer [0..1]
horizontalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy: Length
numberOfFloorsAboveGround: Integer [0..1]
verticalGeometryEstimatedAccuracy: Length [0..1]
geometry2D: BuildingGeometry2D
geometry2D: BuildingGeometry2D [1..*]
{Building parts shall be 2D}
Fig. 2 UML diagram of the Core 2D profile. This profile mainly consists of the BuildingsBase
package (classes enclosed by the box). The stereotype voidable for attributes and
associations means that a reason for a missing value must (multiplicity at least 1) or can
(multiplicity at least 0) be given. For specifying the reason, the following options are provided:
'Unpopulated' (value not part of the dataset maintained by the data provider), 'Unknown' (value
is not known to data provider or not computable by the data provider), and 'Withheld' (value is
confidential), see INSPIRE Drafting Team Data Specifications ( 2010 )
of construction, of demolition and of renovation can be provided in addition. The
elevation of a building is defined as the (absolute) z-coordinate of a specific point
of the building. The height level of this point is defined by a value of an enu-
meration data type ElevationReferenceValue (see Fig. 3 ). Some values are to-
pOfConstruction, lowestGroundPoint, bottomOfConstruction, see Fig. 4 for an
illustration of all values.
In contrast to the absolute elevation, the heightAboveGround denotes the rel-
ative height of a building. This concept is often used in 2D and 3D data models
(CityGML, for example), but mostly this relative height is not defined precisely
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