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flow has detected 9,835 SFs. At the same time, in the manner of the CLEF 28
evaluation campaigns, a manual extraction and indexing of the SFs has been carried
out in order to build a set of reference SFs.
To evaluate the effectiveness of the indexing, we have chosen to use measures of
volumes. Evaluation reveals that the recall is equal to 0.49 and the precision is 0.73.
The low rate of recall can be explained, after analysis of the non-recognized SFs, by
the lack of geographic resources (for the validation and interpretation of these SFs),
then, with a lesser importance, by the lack of spatial indicators in the glossaries, the
orthographic variations and the problems in OCRization. The errors in precision are
are detailed in [LES 07], which gives an analysis of the results of each step in the
indexing process. The precision of the PIV SF extraction process flow is lower than
thatoftheSPIRITsystempresentedin[CLO 05]: thissystemfeaturesarecallof0.69
and a precision of 0.78, it indexes SFs of hotel, restaurant, street, postal code and
commune type and uses comprehensive corresponding geographic resources for the
validation phase.
The evaluation of the temporal indexing process flow [LEP 07] was carried out on
a smaller sample size composed of text extracted from these same topics. The PIV
process flow detected 540 TFs. Evaluation reveals that the recall is equal to 0.91 and
the precision is 0.97. These strong results need to be put into perspective: they can
be explained by the fact that the implemented grammars have been defined from the
preliminary study of a large part of the sample, which then served for the evaluation. Evaluation of the PIV IRS
are described in [SAL 07a], [SAL 07b] and [PAL 10a].
The spatial IR experiment focuses on a sample of texts extracted from these same
topics, composed of 1,019 paragraphs, which corresponds to 1,028 SFs (902 ASFs
and 126 RSFs). The protocol contains 40 queries: 15 queries focus on ASFs (five
with small spatial range such as “pass”, five with intermediate range such as
“commune” and five of large range such as “region”); 25 focus on RSFs (five for
each type: adjacency, inclusion, orientation, distance and union). Three people have
conducted a pooling-type assessment phase described in [PAL 10a]. The evaluation
of these results of PIV spatial IR gives an MAP of 0.62 higher than that of the
SPIRIT GIR system, which is equal to 0.40 [PUR 07]. Let us note that the SPIRIT
system used 38 queries also referring to RSFs with relationships of adjacency,
28 Cross-Language Evaluation Forum (CLEF) - /
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