Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
The purpose of this topic is to put global warming in perspective
so that concerned citizens can understand and come to an informed
judgment about it. In these pages, I discuss the problem from start to
fi nish—from the beginning where warming originates in our per-
sonal energy use, to the end where societies take steps to reduce the
dangers of warming.
This topic will be interesting primarily for readers who want to
learn what science and economics have to say about global warming.
An open mind will help here. If you are already convinced that global
warming is just a vast left-wing conspiracy launched by people trying
to micromanage our lives, it is unlikely to change your view. At the other
pole, if you have already concluded that the world is headed toward
climatic Armageddon, you may dismiss this topic as underestimating
the seriousness of the threat.
But most people's views are somewhere in between. They are pulled
in different directions by the competing arguments and may view the
debate like a courtroom argument between lawyers. What this topic
does is listen to both sides, review the evidence in as fair and unbiased
a manner as possible, and present the best that science and economics
have to offer.
Notice that I called this section “A Personal Perspective.” As with any
subject of scientifi c inquiry, there are solid facts. But each of us inevitably
views these facts from a different vantage point. By studying the subject at
hand carefully, from our own perspective, and merging our observations
with different ones, we can arrive at a more complete understanding.
What is my perspective? I am an economist working at a research
and teaching university. I have taught and written in many areas of
economics, particularly environmental economics and macroeconomics.
I am the coauthor of a textbook in introductory economics that is now
in its nineteenth edition, and that experience has given me a special
appreciation for people who are struggling with new ideas.
I have also studied and written on the economics of global warming
for more than three decades. I have participated in many studies spon-
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