Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
ive clothing suppliers that you can find on the Internet. There are dozens of models and vari-
ations ranging from very basic to complete Military Spec “NBC” (Nuclear-Biological-Chemic-
al) full-body suits with gas masks (see fig. 17-11 ) . On the low end, protective clothing could be
as simple as a set of inexpensive throwaway Tyvek painter's coveralls, which won't really offer
significant protection against chemical, nuclear, or biological hazards, but can be thrown out
once contaminated. On the higher end are Mil-Spec suits designed to protect from nerve gas,
biological, and nuclear hazards. For a huge selection of reasonably priced protective clothing
sets, gas masks, and SCBA gear, check out . They even have full-
body protective bags to cover your pets and babies!
Figure 17-11. Full-body complete Mil-Spec NBC protective gear. Photo courtesy of Approved Gas Masks
Removing Radioactive Fallout from Drinking Water Using a Low-Tech “Dirt Fil-
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