Geoscience Reference
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realize your area has been struck by an EMP or debilitating solar storm, you should head for
the hills and retreat to your refuge from the coming storm, provided you can get there before it
is occupied by others. If you are lucky enough to live in such a place full-time, then congratula-
tions are in order. However, if you are like the other 99.9 percent of the population, here are
some strategies that you may find helpful:
• If you believe that your area may have been subject to a significant EMP or solar su-
per storm, and you live in a metropolitan or suburban area, try to get out of town as
soon as possible. If the event turns out to be minor, that is terrific—you get to go
back to your home and community. Better to be overly cautious than sorry!
• In case you need to ditch your car somewhere down the line, be sure to pack your
camping gear, backpacks, and sturdy hiking boots. Don't forget the moleskin and
cloth first-aid tape for taping your hot spots before they blister! Note: Duct tape will
suffice if you have nothing else.
• If traffic is totally tied up, do not waste precious gasoline idling your car in endless
traffic jams. Pull over somewhere and try to get some sleep if possible. The middle
of the night, when most people are sleeping, may be your best chance for “getting out
of Dodge” using your automobile.
• If you have a ham radio, a multi-channel scanner, or have developed a survival net-
work the includes a local ham radio operator (see chapter 9 ), try to get up-to-date in-
formation about what is really happening before you decide on exactly where to go
and what to do. If it was an EMP event, then your best bet is to head for an area out-
side of the EMP range, if at all possible.
• Remember that when struck by a solar super storm, or an EMP, if it was a severe
event, the situation will degrade quickly and significantly with each new day, as
backup supplies of fuel for generators begin to dry up, leaving telecommunication,
food distribution, water, sewage, and refrigeration systems incapacitated, and fuel
systems running out of fuel.
• Make sure you bring along your grab-and-go kits, key self-reliant instruction manu-
als, illustrated edible plant guide(s), medical supplies, personal self-defense and
hunting supplies, and whatever food provisions you have room for inside your
vehicle (or push cart if no gasoline-powered vehicle is available).
• Realize that the U.S. population is a heavily armed population. Since every Tom,
Dick, and Harry will be out hunting for game, the game will be quite scarce in almost
no time at all, so your best bet for maintaining food stocks (unless, of course, you
have your own survival retreat with a large garden/greenhouse) is if you have good
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