Geoscience Reference
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your new home, you stand a good chance of infecting your new home with the same
toxic molds. However, if the new home does not have a moisture problem, and the
old one did, those mold spores may not take hold in the new home.
• HEPA-type air filters, such as the ones made by Honeywell and Austin Air, placed in
all rooms and running twenty-four hours a day will drastically reduce your airborne
mold counts and mold reactions. Using good-quality pleated filters (not the cheap,
see-through type) on a central heating and/or air-conditioning system and running the
fan continuously will circulate the air in your house efficiently and clean it at the
same time. Note: You should religiously service the pre-filters in HEPA-type air fil-
ters and your HVAC system filters on a regular basis.
• Dr. Marinkovich would often start people off on the relatively benign antifungal pre-
scription of Nystatin. He custom-formulated a nose spray based on the heavy-duty
prescription antifungal known as Nisoral. He sometimes prescribed Diflucan, but
your liver must be monitored when taking oral doses of heavy antifungal drugs such
as Nisoral and Diflucan.
• Dr. Marinkovich also recommends a strict anti-yeast diet (there are many topics on
the subject, such as Dr. Crooks' The Yeast Connection ). Since molds and yeasts are
related, anti-yeast diets tend to also help the body heal mold-related health issues.
• Some people have reported excellent results using MMS (see chapter 6 ) to help them
recover from mold-related health issues.
• There may be another way to detoxify your body from mold neurotoxins. By a stroke
of luck, during a Maryland Lakes disaster when fish were dying and many people
were getting sick, Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker stumbled upon an effective pharmaceutical
for eliminating many biotoxins from the body. When dozens of people who were
sickened by the biotoxins in the local lakes filled Shoemaker's Maryland office, he
gave cholestyramine (trade name Questran) to an older woman to treat her diarrhea.
Not only did her diarrhea disappear, but also most of her neurotoxin symptoms
simply evaporated. Since then, Dr. Shoemaker has treated thousands of patients with
cholestyramine and has found it to be very good at binding and eliminating neurotox-
ins (Rosen and Schaller 2006, 73). My wife was suffering from debilitating daily
mold-related migraines. The use of a single daily dose of cholestyramine has made a
night-and-day difference, reducing her migraines from a daily occurrence to rare oc-
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