Geoscience Reference
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Hurricane and Flood Survival Tips
Here is a list of essential items and tips for surviving a flood or a hurricane:
1. Axe and life preservers. Stash an axe and life preservers in the upper story, or attic, of your home.
Remember, most of the drowning victims of Hurricane Katrina were people who stayed in their
homes and found themselves trapped by rising waters with no place to go. Many drowned in their
attics, unable to break through the roof to the outside. A few bucks spent on these items ahead of
time could save your life! Having a small boat on hand, such as an inflatable raft or canoe, is a
good idea, but it shouldn't take the place of a life preserver, which will keep you afloat, and your
head above water, even if knocked unconscious.
2. Water is critical. Waterisabsolutelyessentialforhumansurvival;itplaysapartinallofthebody's
biochemical reactions. You may not believe it, but most of us could survive for several weeks
without food, yet a single day without water in extreme heat can kill a person. Water requirements
vary depending on activity level and temperature. The absolute minimum for survival, with little
ornoactivity andcoolconditions, isabout1quartofdrinkingwater perday,and2quartsofwater
per day will usually sustain moderate activity at an acceptable level of comfort under moderate
conditions (you will feel somewhat dehydrated). More than 1 quart of water every hour can be
required to perform heavy physical labor under extremely hot conditions. Typically allow for at
least 1 gallon per person per day, and in desert climates, or hot humid climates, a realistic figure
is to allow for 3 gallons per day per person.
3. Fill your bathtub and tape off your toilets. After a major hurricane or flood hits, the public water
system may be polluted, or entirely shut down, for weeks. Immediately fill your bathtubs, sinks,
and other available containers with water. This will provide your household with a short-term
supply of clean, potable water. There is a supply of clean, potable water in the toilet tanks, hot-
water heater, and piping in your house. When you notice that the tap water has stopped flowing,
conserve the water in your toilet tanks (the tanks, not the bowl, contain potable water) and im-
mediately notify all other occupants to not flush the toilets. Caution: Do not drink the toilet tank
water if you use an automatic toilet cleaner with blue toilet water.
4. Drain your water heater and pipes. Water heaters are supplied with a vent located near the top
of the tank and a drain near the bottom of the tank. Open the top vent (pull on the little lever on
the spigot) and drain the tank into containers as needed. If there is dirt and sediment in the water
coming out of the tank, do not discard this water. Simply allow the sediment to settle and drink
the water off the top. Make sure you turn off the electricity or gas to your water heater before
draining or it will be ruined! Crack an upper faucet and open a lower hose bib or faucet to drain
a gallon or two of water out of your home's piping.
5. Water filters and treatment chemicals. I know from experience that after having gone without
water for more than a day in extreme heat, most anyone would willingly drink from the scummi-
est, most disgusting source of water, if that was the only available option! If you must evacuate
your home, carrying a personal water supply on your back would be extremely difficult (at a gal-
lon per person per day, a family of four would go through 100 pounds of water in three days).
Floodwaters are usually extremely contaminated with farm waste, human sewage, and industrial
chemicals, so I highly recommend you purchase a bacteriological backcountry-type water filter
that has a carbon core to also remove toxic chemicals, bad tastes, and odors. You can chemic-
ally treat surface water with household tincture of iodine (5 drops per quart) and pure chlorine
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