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Figure 7-43. Leg-rolling cordage.
1. Start: Tie the end of your fiber bundle in a knot and split the bundle into two roughly equal
bundles. Alternately roll both ends of the bundle between your thumb and forefingers until it
kinks in the middle.
2. Spin: Slip the knotted end over something to hold it or bite the kink in the center of the fiber
bundle to hold it in your teeth. Spin two strands of fibers tightly, both in the same direc-
tion—either clockwise or counterclockwise.
3. Spin and twist: Now, twist both of your spun fiber bundles into cord. The direction of twist is
critical. Twist the fiber bundles in the opposite direction from the way each bundle was spun.
Good tension, tight spinning, and the proper directions of spin and twist are what hold the fibers
in cordage.
4. Repeat: Keep working your way down a few inches of cord at a time. Splice in fibers as you need
Unless you are making short cords from a long bundle of fiber, you will need to add fibers by
splicing. It's best to blend in splices by staggering and thinning the fiber ends in the splice and
the ends of the cord bundle so that they blend together well. Unravel the ends of the cordage
until the fibers are roughly parallel, and then place the splice bundle next to the cordage ends.
Twisting the fibers locks the splice fibers to the existing cordage fibers. Splice fibers to either
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