Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 7-16. Fiddleheads.
Lamb's-quarter, goosefoot. “Along with dandelions and watercress, lamb's-quarter is one of
the most nutritious of foods” (Brill 1994, 47). Being widespread, tasty, long-seasoned, and eas-
ily identified, lamb's-quarter is a prime candidate for the beginner to learn to identify. This
plant has little or no odor, so if the plant you pick has an odor, it's not lamb's quarters and may
be poisonous. Leaves are alternating, almost triangular, with a blunt tip and jagged edges.
Leaves may develop a white tinge, but they remain perfectly edible. Harvest young shoots up
to 10 inches tall, or tender new growth until late fall. This plant is a good potherb, although it
shrinks by about two-thirds when cooked.
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