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In our modern high-tech world we are taught to ignore our feelings and intuition and to fol-
low cold hard facts and rational reasoning. This works just fine when there is adequate inform-
ation for our computer brains to calculate the optimal decision. The problem is that in a typical
crisis or survival situation, there is often a distinct lack of information for the rational mind to
make a fully informed decision. You know that you can't trust the decisions your rational mind
is making when it keeps changing its mind every minute or two. Once you observe this happen-
ing inside your own head, it is imperative that you quiet this mind that “can't make up its
mind,” and activate that inborn intuitive-based inner guidance system.
The difficulty in dealing with intuitive messages is to distinguish between the different in-
ner voices. Which is speaking? Is it the voice of fear, ego, fantasy, or true inner guidance and
wisdom? Many times I have allowed my strong rational mind to overrule my inner messages,
only to regret later listening to this mind that thinks it always knows everything. Through trial
and a lot of error, I have developed the following simple technique for quieting the rational
mind and intuitively “testing” the outcome of a potential action:
Testing Your Intuition—“Pit of the Stomach” Exercise
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a soci-
ety that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. —Albert Einstein
Note: The “pit of the stomach” exercise might well be the single most valuable technique
taught in this topic—it could quite literally be a “lifesaver”!
First, decide which potential paths of action are your prime choices.
Second, take several deep, slow breaths to calm your mind and alter your consciousness.
As you do this, offer a simple prayer asking for guidance. The simple act of intentionally ask-
ing a higher power for guidance opens up your being to a seemingly magical, and oftentimes
miraculous, intuitive internal guidance system. Focus your attention on the pit of your stomach,
behind your belly button. Keep breathing deeply until you find that your stomach muscles are
totally relaxed and your mind's thoughts are quieted.
Third, once you find that both your thoughts and stomach muscles are calm and relaxed,
make a mental picture of one of the potential actions, paths, or decision. Check for physical re-
actions in your stomach area. If you have an expanded, relaxed feeling in the pit of your stom-
ach, then your pictured action is probably a good path to follow. It should be an “Ahhhh” feel-
ing. If you get a clenched, tight feeling in your gut, or a queasy, nauseous, sickly feeling, it's
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