Geoscience Reference
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Figure 7-1. Compact survival kit.
Developing a Survivor Personality
The best survivors spend almost no time, especially in emergencies, getting upset about what has
been lost, or feeling distressed about things going badly. . . . Life's best survivors can be both positive
and negative, both optimistic and pessimistic at the same time. —Al Siebert, The Survivor Personal-
The struggle for survival is a fascinating and inspiring subject, forming the basis for many of
the most memorable topics and movies. Psychologist Al Siebert's personal fascination with
survivors began when he received his military training from a group of veteran paratroopers.
His teachers were legendary members of the 503rd Airborne Infantry Regiment. They had lost
nine out of ten members in combat in the Korean War. Siebert found that these “survivors”
were not the crusty, yelling drill sergeants that he had anticipated. They were tough, yet showed
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