Geoscience Reference
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No one person reacts exactly the same as another. For example, a friend of mine got to 3
drops in a single dose, taken once a day, when he was struck with a severe case of diarrhea and
quit taking MMS altogether. Much better to go slow and stick with the program, than to go fast
and quit! In general, slow and safe is the prudent way to go, but the decision about how fast to
proceed is purely a personal one.
In my own case, I quickly grew impatient with the slow progress of increasing my dose by
a single drop once a week, so after a couple of days I opted for increasing the dose by a drop
with each new dose. I never did experience nausea or diarrhea, but must admit that when I ex-
ceeded about 10 drops of MMS in a single dose diluted in a half glass of water, the taste was
pretty bad (I can usually handle drinking herbal concoctions that many others might not toler-
ate), so I did opt for adding juice to my activated MMS mixture, which made it a much more
palatable and pleasant experience.
The way you accomplish the Protocol 1000 activation can be done in four different ways,
any one of which is acceptable. First, add your number of MMS drops to a clean dry glass, then
activate as follows:
1. Add 1 drop of 50 percent citric acid for each drop of MMS that is in your glass, swirl or shake to
mix, wait twenty seconds, then add a half to a full glass of water or juice, then drink. This is the
preferred method.
2. Add 5 drops of 10 percent citric acid for each drop of MMS in the glass, and then shake or swirl
to mix, wait three minutes, add a half to a full glass of water or juice and then drink.
3. Add 5 drops of full-strength lemon or lime juice for each drop of MMS in the glass, shake or swirl
to mix, wait three minutes, add a half to a full glass of water or juice and then drink.
4. Add 5 drops of vinegar for each drop of MMS in the glass, shake or swirl to mix, wait 3 minutes,
add a half to a full glass of water or juice and then drink (the vinegar activator is the least consist-
ent and therefore the least preferred method).
Note: Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an “antidote” for MMS, and will neutralize the effects of
MMS, so do not add MMS to orange juice, or any other juice with added vitamin C/ascorbic
acid. Apple, carrot, prune, and pineapple juice work well (preferably fresh), but ensure that no
added vitamin C is in their ingredients.
Important instructions: You must not make yourself sicker than you already are. Do not
cause yourself a lot of nausea, or pain, or diarrhea. When you notice any of these symptoms
coming on take less MMS. Try not to stop taking MMS, just take less. Go from 2 drops an hour
of activated MMS to 1 drop an hour. If you are already taking only 1 drop an hour, then take ½
drop and hour, or even ¼ drop an hour. Do not cause yourself diarrhea if you can avoid it by
taking less MMS. Pain, diarrhea, nausea, and other discomforts tend to slow healing and recov-
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