Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
*NSAIDs are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
(Source: Adapted from “Nature's Medicine—The Green Pharmacy,” by James A. Duke, PhD, Mother Earth News [December/January 2000],
pp. 22-33)
Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS)
In the world today, the leading killer of mankind is malaria, a disease that is usually overcome by this
solution [MMS] in only 4 hours. This has been proven through clinical trials in Malawi, a country in
eastern Africa. In these trials, MMS has never failed to kill the malaria parasite in an infected human.
More than 75,000 malaria victims have taken the Miracle Mineral Solution and are now back to work
and living productive lives.
After taking the Miracle Mineral Solution, AIDS patients are often disease free in several weeks, and
other diseases and conditions simply disappear. If patients in hospitals around the world were treated
with this Miracle Mineral Solution, over 50% of them would be back home within a week.
For more than 100 years, clinics and hospitals have used the active ingredients in this solution to
sterilize hospital floors, tables, equipment and other items. Now, this same powerful germ killer can
be harnessed by the immune system to safely kill pathogens in the human body. Amazing as it may
seem, when used correctly, the immune system can use this killer to attack only those germs, bacter-
ia, and viruses that are harmful to the body. It does not affect the friendly bacteria in the body or any
healthy cells.
. . . Well, you might ask; that may be OK for the people in Africa, but what will it do for me here in
America? Well, it overcomes colds in an hour or so, overcomes flu in less than 12 hours, overcomes
pneumonia in less than 12 hours, cures more cancer than any other treatment by hundreds of times,
cures hepatitis A, B, and C. It cures appendicitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and a hundred other diseases.
—Jim Humble, from The Miracle Mineral Solution of the 21st Century
If you listen to the proponents of Miracle Mineral Solution (MMS), it would appear that this
combination of two simple and inexpensive chemicals is as close to a “cure all” remedy as one
might imagine. I don't claim to have personally witnessed any miraculous cures with MMS.
Both topical and oral doses of MMS failed to heal a stubborn toenail fungus that was not
touched by more than a dozen pharmaceutical remedies that I had tried over the years, and
which has been kept under control through the use of several strong herbal remedies. However,
I have spoken with others who have healed serious conditions, including crippling arthritis, us-
ing MMS where pharmaceuticals have failed to heal.
Caution: If you choose to self-medicate with MMS, you are essentially experimenting on
yourself. There are no guarantees, and there are no recognized medical studies in the United
States to prove its efficacy for healing any disease whatsoever!
The following is a brief summary of information about MMS—what it is and how to use it.
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