Geoscience Reference
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ment of wounds, headaches, sinusitis, lung infections, colds, intestinal worms, athlete's foot,
and so on. More recently it has been found to be effective in fighting chronic Candida (yeast)
infections. It may be taken internally or applied topically. I like to supplement my diet by tak-
ing one or two oregano oil capsules each day.
Parasite herbs. Take black walnut tincture, clove capsules, and wormwood capsules to de-
parasite yourself and your pets. There are a number of herbs commonly known as “worm-
wood,” but studies show that Artemisia annua (one of the wormwoods) is also very effective in
treating malaria, being 90 percent more effective than chloroquine (Naiman 2008). For more
details, see the section on “Dr. Clark's Herbal Parasite Cleanse” in When Technology Fails .
Parasite zapper. Build a low-cost electronic “zapper,” or buy one from the Dr. Clark Re-
search Association (see appendix 2) or one of several other sources available on the Internet.
Searching the Internet for “zapper” combined with “Hulda Clark” will turn up several different
suppliers, since Dr. Clark did not patent this technology, but gave it to humankind as a gift.
Caution: If you plan to build your own zapper, check the Internet for a correction to the
wiring connections described in Dr. Clark's earlier editions of The Cure for All Diseases . This
mistake has been corrected in all of her more recent publications.
St. John's wort. Sometimes called “nature's Prozac,” St. John's wort is mostly known for its
antidepressant and mood-enhancing properties. It is also an immune-system booster with anti-
viral properties. A typical dose is 10 drops of the liquid extract once daily (Renders 1999, 242).
Do not take it if pregnant, because it may cause increased photosensitivity and can cause ad-
verse reactions with some prescription drugs (contact your physician before combining it with
pharmaceutical antidepressants or other drugs).
Super-antibacterial/antifungal lotion. I found the following concoction works well against
toenail fungus that no longer responds to over-the-counter pharmaceutical medications. It is
very powerful, very effective, and very malodorous. First, mix equal parts of tea tree oil and
neem oil. Next, crush an equal part of fresh garlic cloves and throw into the solution. The tea
tree oil keeps the neem oil liquid and preserves the crushed garlic cloves, drawing active com-
ponents out of the garlic cloves and into the oil.
Tea tree oil. This powerful antifungal and disinfectant is used topically (do not take intern-
ally) for skin infections, itchy scalp, and fungal infections such as athlete's foot. This oil is very
penetrating and will penetrate through the skin to heal sealed-over infections, boils, and
pimples. Tea tree oil is one of the few liquids that can seep through toenails. It may be applied
directly to sores in the mouth, lips and nose, though do so sparingly, as some people find it ir-
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