Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 5-13. Hip splint.
Special Precautions for Fractures
1. Pelvis and thigh. Fractures to the pelvis and thigh are serious injuries that can rapidly turn life
threatening. If possible, do not move the victim, but get immediate medical attention. If the vic-
tim must be moved, use the clothes-drag technique rather than lifting or carrying.
2. Neck or back. If a spinal injury is suspected, call EMS immediately, and do not move the victim
unless in danger. If you must move the victim, use the clothes-drag technique (see page 107 for
a description). If the neck is injured, it is imperative that the neck be immobilized with a neck
collar, sack of earth, or some other obstruction to movement. You may improvise a collar from
a rolled towel or newspaper, among other items. If a neck fracture is suspected, do not allow the
victim to move her or his neck! If the victim must be lifted or rolled over, get several people to
assist so the victim may be rolled or lifted as a unit, with no twisting to the spine or neck.
Figure 5-14. Stabilizing the head and neck.
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