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First Aid
I can't emphasize strongly enough the value of basic first-aid training. You never know when
you might face an emergency situation where the knowledge of first aid could make a huge dif-
ference in someone's life. This chapter is not intended to replace a first-aid manual and first-aid
training. I recommend that you pick up a copy of the Red Cross First Aid and Safety Handbook
and that you take the Red Cross advanced first-aid course. I believe that every able-bodied
adult should take CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) training, or a more advanced training,
such as for emergency medical technician (EMT) certification.
A few basic first-aid principles and instructions are presented in this chapter in the event
that you find yourself in an emergency and this topic is the only text you have. I repeat: This
chapter is not a first-aid manual .
Initial Evaluation
Survey the Scene
The very first thing to evaluate in an emergency is your safety . As a rescuer, it does you and the
victim little good if you are injured or killed during the rescue. Assess potential dangers, such
as oncoming traffic, rockfall, live downed power lines, poisonous or flammable fumes, and so
on, and take adequate precautions to ensure the safety of both rescuers and victim. The general
rule is to move a victim only if you absolutely have to. Ask the bystanders or victim(s) what
The ABCs of first aid are airway, breathing, and circulation. If any of these fail, death is
certain. Call for help immediately! Feel free to ask bystanders for assistance, and don't hesitate
to send one of them off to call 911 for emergency medical services (EMS) while you attend to
the victim.
In the case of multiple victims, quickly evaluate the status of each victim to determine
where to expend your efforts and resources first. Life-threatening injuries require immediate at-
tention, whereas less critical injuries may be able to wait. If someone is obviously fatally in-
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