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community members' kinship and local hunting routes/place names. This is the necessary
first step in supporting a community understanding of its own history and family. Once
this is started, the organization will utilize this information to empower the community.
The information collected on family and kinship could be used by the community
organization to support 'membership' dialogues occurring within the community, a
role currently initiated and resolved by land claim organizations. Also, the discussion on
hunting areas would revitalize the knowledge on traditional place names, strengthening
community ties to the land, and could be used in campaigns such as changing community
names or changes to electoral districts.
Alfred, T. (1999) Peace, Power, Righteousness: An Indigenous Manifesto , Don Mills, ON: Oxford
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Date: November 18, 1996; Re: Legislative Assembly Report (first cut draft). Finding Information:
Government of Nunavut Archives, Iqaluit, Nunavut, volume 11, folder 1.
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Gombay, N. (2000) 'The politics of culture: Gender parity in the legislative assembly', Etudes/
Inuit/Studies , 24(1):125-48.
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