Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
1 m
1 km
Rio Negro
Free-shear layer
with K-H vortices
Rio Solimoes
Kelvin-Helmholtz mixing vortices
develop along high-velocity gradient of
free-shear zone
Indicative mean surface
velocity vectors
Crest of steep
confluence bar
Fig. 6.67 Turbulent mixing and scour at river channel tributary junctions highlighted when tributaries of contrasting suspended sediment con-
tent meet. Both the Negro (Amazon; a) and Meghna (b) rivers have low suspended sediment and high organic content. (c) Plan view schematic.
Levee slopes gently
out toward
floodbasin floor
Newly emergent channel bank levee (channel is c . 5m to the
left) to show pale deposits of fine sand from overbank flow
Crevasse splay breakout from channel levees
Fig. 6.68 Floodplain wetland processes. (a) shows storm on a freshly emergent levee (R. Ouse). (b) shows a crevasse breakout through levees
into a floodplain wetland (R. South Saskatchewan).
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