Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
A pair of animations on the Geo Media Library nicely illustrates
the process of crustal folding. The first one is Folding , which
animates the fundamental process of rock deformation by com-
pression. As you watch this animation, be sure to think about
geological structure and note how anticlines, synclines, and oth-
er folds develop.
After you watch Folding , turn your attention to The
Southern Appalachians . This animation is a movie focusing
on the geomorphic evolution of places like the Smoky Moun-
tains. As you watch this movie, think about the impact that
continental drift and compression has had on this landscape.
Also pay particular attention to changes that have occurred
on this landscape since the last orogeny in the region. After
you complete each of these animations, be sure to answer
the questions at the end to test your understanding of these
Plate Tectonics
To review the process of plate tectonics and the movements
that occur along plate boundaries, go to a pair of animations
in the Geo Media Library . The first one is Active and Passive
Margins , which compares the movements that occur on un-
stable and stable tectonic boundaries. The second is Tectonic
Plate Boundary Relationships , which focuses on subduction,
transform, and collision boundaries. As you watch these ani-
mations, be sure to associate the boundary process with the
type of landscapes discussed in the preceding text. After you
complete each animation, be sure to answer the questions at
the end to test your understanding of plate tectonics and plate
Figure 13.16 The Himalaya Mountains. Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world at
8850 m (29,035 ft). The 25 tallest mountains in the world are all in the Himalayas, including all 14 peaks
that are over 8000 m (~26,250 ft). This mountain chain extends in an arc about 2400 km (1500 mi) long
and forms the border between India and Tibet. The Himalayas formed due to collision of the Indian plate
with the Asian landmass.
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