Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Global distribution of Mollisols
Figure 11.30 Mollisols. (a) Generalized map of Mollisols on
Earth. These soils are found on about 7% of Earth's ice-free
land area. ( Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture.) (b) A typical
Mollisol landscape in the central Great Plains. Note the tall-grass
prairie. (c) A Mollisol in North Dakota. Note the thick A horizon
near the surface and the prominent Bk horizon (arrow) that is rich
in eluviated calcium.
Which one of the regional pedogenic processes is contributing
to the development of this soil? What soil horizons are pres-
ent? How can you tell? How did each of them form? Here's a
hint: This soil is not fully developed, but the evolving horizons
can be seen.
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