Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
was the main reason I am not keep watching the
integrity of the information. (I may need to
shutdown the site if this is making people
confusing). [ sic ] Huan Erdao, interview by email,
August 19, 2011.
Here again, he redirects the Web user to the map he
deems to be the most effective:
Also a site ( has been updating
more often so I have stopped updating my
site. Huan Erdao, interview by email, August 19,
His map did go offline shortly after this interview.
8.2.3. Specific infrastructure for the data
If many maps stopped functioning, some of
the participants involved in data processing became, on the
other hand, specialized in radiation monitoring.
For example, Pachube carried on combining and
publishing radiation data, while Safecast maintained
its role as infrastructure to publish its own data - these
structures were motivated by their own logic and became
The quick intervention of Pachube's community manager
by adding digital space to any user in possession of radiation
data made Pachube a key platform for the exchange of
radiation data. Designers, driven by self-expression strategies,
turned to this platform to obtain data quickly and easily for
their mashups . So the Pachube platform linked several
sources together and made long-term infrastructure more
economic. Similarly, Safecast's collection of radiation
measurements extended over the long-term. This was made
possible by regular surveying with vehicle-operated sensors,
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