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people are for the first time really interested in
something you do…” 15
Moreover, competition took place among the participants,
which is revealed by their different positions in terms of data
publication. In an interview, Marian Steinbach mentions
another programmer who also worked on extracting
radiation data but who did not make them available, hence
preventing other people from re-using them:
As I said, the guy from […] 16 did massive work to
create all these timeline and graphs, but he did
not republish the data he was using until the very
end. I thought - I did not really confronted him
with that - but I thought that he had the wrong
priorities, because if he had opened the data,
tens, dozens of people would have been able to
create graphs automatically. He did quite a lot of
manual work, and I thought […] he's way two
keen to get people on his URL rather than getting
[ sic ]
Steinbach, August 25, 2011
Competition among developers to publish their own
visualizations of the radiation data therefore encouraged
some to keep their data and applications to themselves into a
closed circuit.
8.2.2. A limited goal and time frame
Cooperation to produce data and maps abides by the
principle of efficiency, whereby the work of an individual
does not need to be replicated by another one. Moreover,
once websites obtained a sufficient amount of data or once
they achieved their goal, some webmasters quit their activity
15 Interview with Marian Steinbach, August 25, 2011.
16 The name of the person mentioned was removed from this quote.
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