Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration that provide risk
information by combining tidal data, projected sea levels and storm wave
heights, a web-based tool that will allow developers to integrate NASA
climate imagery into websites and mobile apps, access to the U.S. Geological
Survey's ―visualization tool‖ to assess the amount of carbon absorbed by
landscapes, and a Stormwater Calculator and Climate Assessment Tool
developed to help local governments assess stormwater-control measures
under different precipitation and temperature scenarios.
The Obama Administration is working to build on the actions that it is
taking domestically to achieve significant global greenhouse gas emission
reductions and enhance climate preparedness through major international
initiatives focused on spurring concrete action, including bilateral initiatives
with China, India, and other major emitting countries. These initiatives not
only serve to support the efforts of the United States and others to achieve our
goals for 2020, but also will help us move beyond those and bend the post-
2020 global emissions trajectory further. As a key part of this effort, we are
also working intensively to forge global responses to climate change through a
number of important international negotiations, including the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change.
I. Working with Other Countries to Take Action to Address
Climate Change
Enhancing Multilateral Engagement with Major Economies: In 2009,
President Obama launched the Major Economies Forum on Energy and
Climate, a high-level forum that brings together 17 countries that account for
approximately 75 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, in order to
support the international climate negotiations and spur cooperative action to
combat climate change. The Forum has been successful on both fronts -
having contributed significantly to progress in the broader negotiations while
also launching the Clean Energy Ministerial to catalyze the development and
deployment of clean energy and efficiency solutions. We are proposing that
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