Geoscience Reference
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Dube, S.K., Sinha, P.C., Rao, A.D. and Chittibabu, P. (1994). A real time storm surge
prediction system: An Application to east coast of India. Proc. Indian Natn. Sci.
Acad .,. 60: 157-170.
Dube, S.K., Chittibabu, P., Sinha, P.C., Rao, A.D. and Murty, T.S. (2004). Numerical
modeling of storm surges in the head Bay of Bengal using location specific model.
Nat Hazards , 31: 437-453.
Dube, S.K., Jain, Indu, Rao, A.D. and Murty, T.S. (2009). Storm surge modeling for
the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea. Natural Hazards , 51: 3-27.
IPCC (2007). IPCC Fourth Assessment Report: Climate Change 2007 (AR4). Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
Jain, Indu, Chittibabu, P., Agnihotri, Neetu, Dube, S.K., Sinha, P.C. and Rao, A.D.
(2006). Numerical storm surge model for India and Pakistan. Nat Hazards , 42: 67-73.
Knutson, Thomas R., Mcbride, John l., Johnny Chan, Emanuel, Kerry, Holland, Greg,
Landsea, Chris, Held, Isaac, Kossin, James P., Srivastava, A.K. and Sugi, Masato
(2010). Tropical cyclones and Climate change. Nature Geoscience , 3: 157-163.
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