Geoscience Reference
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required because there is no simple one-to-one linear relationship between
intensity of cyclone and the extent of coastal inundation. We also agree with
the current feeling globally that the storm surge signatures as recorded by tide
gauges may not be relevant since they always seem to grossly under represent
the storm surge amplitudes. This is quite understandable because tide gauges
are designed to only faithfully reproduce the tidal frequencies and not for
recording correctly other long gravity waves such as storm surges and tsunamis.
3. Numerical Model
IIT Delhi storm surge model (Dube et al., 1994, 2004, 2009; Jain et al., 2006)
has been used to compute the maximum storm surge amplitude at the coastline
for the following regions: Gujarat, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and
Bangladesh. For each of these regions separately a representative storm track
was prepared by compositing all the tracks in that region. These composited
tracks for each of these regions are shown in Fig. 1.
For each of these regions a separate pressure drop (' P ) value is selected
based upon all available historical data for that region. The ' P that has been
selected is the maximum observed value for this at region as deduced from the
records of the India Meteorological Department (IMD). Using this composited
storm track and the highest ' P for the region the maximum storm surge
amplitude for that region were computed for the three different climate change
Fig. 1: Composited storm tracks for different regions for storm surge
amplitude computations.
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