Geoscience Reference
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1.5. Bibliography
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[AUE 01] A UER I., B ÖHM R., S CHÖNER W., “Austrian long-term climate 1767-2000 (multiple
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[AUE 07] A UER I., J URKOVIC A. et al. “A new instrumental precipitation dataset in the greater
alpine region for the period 1800-2000”, International Journal of Climatology , vol. 25,
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[BOH 98] B ÖHM , R., “Urban bias in temperature series - a case study for the city of Vienna”,
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[HIE 09] H IEBL J. et al ., “A high-resolution 1961-1990 monthly temperature climatology for
the greater alpine region”, Meteorologische Zeitschrift , vol. 18, no. 5, pp. 507-530, 2009.
[ISO 93] ISO, International vocabulary of basic and general terms in metrology (VIM) ,
International Organization for Standardization, Geneva Switzerland, 1993.
[KLE 08] K LEIN E., P ERSSON C., “Showcase EUROGRID - towards a European resource for
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[LOW 09] L OWE D., W OOLF A., L AWRENCE B., P ASCOE S. “Integrating the climate science
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[NAT 04] N ATIVI S., et al ., “Differences among the data models used by the geographic
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[SHI 05] S HIPLEY S.T., “GIS applications in meteorology, or adventures in a parallel
universe”, In Box Insights and Innovations , American Meteorological Society, pp. 171-
173, 2005. Online at:
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