Geoscience Reference
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help of several regional policies that were adopted in France 3 , have meant that the
management of atmospheric pollution can now be considered on a regional level.
The idea to regionalize atmospheric pollution management is justified by
administrative and political needs as the prevention of atmospheric pollution
depends on many factors that are managed at regional levels, such as transport,
habitat, energy use, etc. However, the possibility of creating new tools that can be
used on a regional level raises methodologically complex issues. These issues are
associated with the difficult spatialization of pollution levels that are measured in
more specific areas. The information gathered is listed in various documents, and
conforms to the demands of geographical information. It can then be used to link
pollution levels with other factors so that it is possible to identify the tools that can
be used to prevent and fight against pollution. This is the advantage of using
geographical information systems (GISs).
The creation of these highly technical documents also raises the issue of how
they are used, and questions the relationship between the science and geographicalal
information that is published in them. The information that is produced in these
documents is undoubtedly produced by experts who work in the field of pollution,
but the information is also used as a power tool and a communication tool by a
shared government. The interface between technical knowledge and the reasons
why this information is used is becoming more and more complex. The almost
linear nature of the relationship between emissions and immissions when an alert for
high pollution levels is given means that the regional management of pollution is a
much more difficult task. This is due to the fact that the area in which the pollution
occurs, as well as the number of pollutants, increase rapidly in size. This issue from
the feedback that is created by the information produced and the action that takes
place: is it pollution management on a regional level that leads to the creation of
tools to help prevent pollution, or is it the information produced that guides and
orients the regional management of pollution?
6.2. Peak pollution periods and alerts: pollution and climate paroxysm
Measuring pollution levels and evaluating their impact have changed
dramatically over the last few years. First, the linearity that exists between industrial
emissions of pollution and air quality have made it possible to predict which
weather conditions lead to high pollution levels, for which an alert can be made.
However, the confidential characteristics of these alerts, which were developed
during a one-off conference held between the Regional Departments for Industry,
Research and the Environment in France (DRIRE) and industrialists, makes us
question if an alert can remain secret. The nature of atmospheric pollution has also
changed, and the way in which it is measured and analyzed is no longer a question
of monitoring the large polluting industries. The total amount of pollution produced
3 PRQA: French regional policy on air quality; PPA: French policy on atmospheric
protection for cities with more than 250,000 inhabitants; and PDU: French policy on urban
transport for cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants.
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