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5. Conclusions
In this paper, RegCM3 model has been integrated over east Asia regions
using different cumulus parameterizations schemes. Results indicate that
RegCM3 successfully simulates some of important characteristics of the
east Asian monsoon circulations, such as tropical southerlies at lower level
and westerlies at 200 hPa. Also, the seasonal mean summer monsoon pre-
cipitation simulated by RegCM3 is close to the corresponding observed
value of KMA when the Emanuel convective scheme is used. The analy-
sis of intra-seasonal oscillation shows that the monsoon precipitation over
South Korea as whole is likely to be stronger when 30-60 days oscillations
are prominent. In general, Emanuel scheme performed better than AS,
FC, and Kuo schemes in simulating both the monsoon circulations and
This study was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration
Research and Development program under Grant Cater 2006-1101. The
authors would like to acknowledge the support from KISTI (Korea Insti-
tute of Science and Technology Information) under the 'Sixth Strategic
Supercomputing Support Program' with Dr. Lee Sang Min and Dr. Cho
Kum Won as the technical supporter. The use of the computing system of
the Supercomputing Center is also greatly appreciated. First author wish
to acknowledge the KOFST for supporting the visit.
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