Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 4.
Predicted TDS concentration (mg/l, January 2020).
8. Conclusions
(1) TDS concentration has been computed through MT3D mass trans-
port model starting with a background concentration 1,000 mg/l. Even
through TDS has selected for simulation of contaminant migration, the
migration of any species will follow a similar pattern as mass transport
is primarily driven by advection.
(2) From transient condition, it is inferred that TDS concentration is
steeply increased in and around the tannery cluster. The impact of
varying TDS in the tannery belt is based on the advection than disper-
sive mechanism.
(3) Modeling of pollutant migration in the aquifer is shown that if tan-
nery euents continue to be discharged at the present level, both as
regards the volume and TDS concentration, groundwater pollution will
continue to increase.
(4) It is noted that even if tannery euents are reduced to 50% of the
present level, even after 20 years, the TDS concentration in groundwater
will not be reduced to half fold of the original level (2001).
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