Geoscience Reference
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m 3 )
averaged for the layers below 100 m ( ), 100-1500 m ( ), above 1500 m ( )above
the ground and the observed PM 10 concentration (o-o-o-) at (a) Seoul, (b) Seosan, and
(c) Busan in South Korea. The modeled anthropogenic PM 10
Fig. 2. The time series of modeled PM 10
concentration of Asian dust (
10 3 µ
m 3 )
concentration (
near the surface ( .... ) is given in a different scale.
The contribution of the anthropogenic aerosols (black carbon, BC;
organic carbon, OC; inorganic aerosol, IOC; and mixed aerosols of IOC,
BC and OC) to the total PM 10 concentration, is very small during the
Asian dust period. However, these mainly contribute to the observed PM 10
concentration during the nondust period (Fig. 2).
3.2. Spatial distributions of aerosol concentrations
Figures 3 and 4 show the spatial distribution of the daily averaged column
integrated Asian dust concentration and anthropogenic aerosol concentra-
tion, respectively. The first dust storm which occurred on March 18 at
the border of Mongolia and western Inner Mongolia and Gansu Province
has progressively moved eastward accompanying newly developing dust
storms over the Loess plateau and the northeastern part of Inner Mongolia.
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