Geoscience Reference
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be made of the wider research community. Connectivity and cost-effective
distribution of data to this community is a critical activity.
This research is supported by the BLUElink project, Bureau of Meteorology,
CSIRO and the Royal Australian Navy. The authors gratefully acknowl-
edge the project leaders Andreas Schiller and Neville Smith and several
other BLUElink team members for their valuable contributions. Atmo-
spheric analyses were provided by ECMWF, satellite altimetry is provided
by NASA, AVISO and NOAA. Bathymetry is derived from datasets from
Geoscience Australia and the US Navy.
1. N. Smith and M. Lefebvre, International Symposium ,Biarritz,October
15-17, (1997).
2. Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, < http://www.usgodae.
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3. MERSEA/GMES, (2005).
4. A. McClung,, (2005).
5. R. Seaman, W. Bourke, P. Steinle, T. Hart, G. Embery, M. Naughton and
L. Rikus, Aust. Met. Mag. 44 (1995) 1-18.
6. K. Puri, G. Dietachmayer, G. A. Mills, N. E. Davidson, R. A. Bowen and L.
W. Logan, Aust.Met.Mag.
(1998) 203-233.
7. A. Schiller, P. R. Oke, G. B. Brassington, R. Fiedler, D. Grin,
J. Mansbridge, K. Ridgeway and N. R. Smith, Eddy-resolving Ocean Cir-
culation in the Asian-Australian region inferred from an ocean reanalysis
effort (in press).
8. P. R. Oke, A. Schiller, D. Grin and G. B. Brassington, Ensemble data
assimilation for an eddy-resolving ocean model of the Australian region,
Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. (in press).
9. S. M. Gries, M. J. Harrison, R. C. Pacanowski and A. Rosati, A Tech-
nical Guide to MOM4 GFDL Ocean Group Technical Report No. 5,
December 23, 2003.
10. P. Kallberg, A. Simmons, S. Uppala and M. Fuentes, The ERA-40
archive. Reading, UK, European Centre for Medium-range Weather Fore-
casts (ECMWF), ECMWF Re-Analysis Project (ERA), 2004. 31p. ERA-40
Project Report Series, 17.
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