Geoscience Reference
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Oolite, and Lias. In this way the geological time units - the Eons, Eras,
Periods and Epochs - were discerned, and the geological column as we
know it today was born.
In the period between 1800 and 1841 geology became formalised as a
science. While in the past observers often made random pronounce-
ments on what they had seen, there were few underlying principles to
guide their thought processes. It was the work of two men, William
Smith (1769-1839) (Figure 8.4 ) and Charles Lyell, that largely laid
down the laws and principles of stratigraphy and correlation on
which understanding and full appreciation of geological processes
and their effects depend. At the same time, four major strands that
reflected this growing professionalisation began to emerge: firstly,
there evolved an appreciation that time could be considered in geolog-
ical terms; secondly, the stratigraphical framework in which all
modern geologists work was erected on a firm foundation; thirdly,
geological societies were established as centres of national and pro-
vincial learning; and finally, systematic mapping of geology of various
countries was placed on a sound footing and national geological sur-
veys were constituted to carry out such field work.
William Smith, who was the uncle of the geologist John Phillips
(1800-1874), is now known as the 'Father of English Geology'. Born
in Churchill in Oxfordshire, he had a varied career as a canal engineer,
as a mineral surveyor and later as a land steward. He became involved
in the surveying and construction of canals in Somerset, at a time
when this method of transport was gathering pace in the early years of
the Industrial Revolution. As canals were cut across the English coun-
tryside, Smith became very acquainted with the geology. He soon
began to map the distribution of various horizons, and in 1799 pro-
duced a hand-coloured manuscript geological map of the area around
Bath and a manuscript table of strata. Two years later he produced a
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