Geoscience Reference
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world, digital bits and atoms, people and objects are linked. Ubicomp is also contributing to
the spatial big data deluge. The volume, variety and velocity of spatial big data pose formidable
challenges for GC. The next phase of GC development should be conducted in the context of
ubicomp and spatial big data. There are multiple challenges along computational, theoretical,
social, political, legal and environmental fronts. To better address these challenges, an open GC
paradigm is proposed. Open GC calls for open data, open-source software, open standards and
open collaboration. The open GC paradigm, as manifested in the diverse efforts of crowdsourc-
ing geographic knowledge production (Sui et al., 2012) and various location-based services aimed
at intelligent collective actions (Miller, 2012), is perhaps our best bet in the age of ubicomp and
spatial big data that our enormous computing power will not be squandered (Strassmann, 1997).
The author is grateful for the constructive comments on an earlier version of this chapter from the
editors, and two reviewers, Ningchuan Xiao and Shaun Fontanella. Research assistance by Bo Zhao
and Samuel Kay is also gratefully acknowledged. Usual disclaimers apply.
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