Geoscience Reference
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So far, many of the predicates and operators are applied to all member geometries, but work
is progressing, spurred by clear needs demonstrated by Altman and McDonald (2011) in the
BARD - Better Automated ReDistricting - package (Altman 2011) for finding reduced sets of
candidate pairs of contiguous geometries. Using the GEOS Sort-Tile-Recursive (STR) tree, we
build a tree of geometry envelopes (bounding boxes) and then query with the same envelopes with
gUnarySTRtreeQuery , passing the output candidate neighbours to the poly2nb function in
the spdep package:
> la_blks <- readOGR(".", "tgr06037blk00")
> library(spdep)
> library(rgeos)
> system.time(nb <- poly2nb(la_blks,
+ foundInBox = gUnarySTRtreeQuery(la_blks)))
user system elapsed
14.723 0.111 15.167
> nb
Neighbour list object:
Number of regions: 89614
Number of nonzero links: 623984
Percentage nonzero weights: 0.007770013
Average number of links: 6.963019
Finding the neighbours is very much faster than using the internal brute-force approach for finding
overlapping bounding boxes in poly2nb , and working with all the census blocks in Los Angeles
becomes feasible. The new pycno package by Brunsdon (2011) also uses rgeos internally for
pycnophylactic interpolation; here we smooth the leukaemia rate from the 8 county New York data
set. In addition, for display, we use gBuffe r from rgeos to add a 10 km buffer around supposed
point source pollution sites shown in Figure 14.4:
> library(pycno)
> NY$eZ <- (1000 * (NY$TRACTCAS+1))/NY$POP8
> NYp <- pycno(NY, pops=NY$e, celldim=500)
> TCE <- readOGR(dsn = td, layer = "TCE")
> TCE10k <- gBuffer(TCE, width=10000)
Work on rgeos is continuing actively, and improvements in stability and speed can be expected
as more users report their experiences. A specific issue raised in interfacing GEOS (and OGR)
is that use is made of the OGC SFS geometry specification, but the SpatialPolygons class
in sp is more like a shapefile, without clear assignation of interior rings to exterior rings. Had the
SpatialPolygons class in sp been designed a little later, it might well have followed the OGC
SFS geometry specification, but this in turn would have led to additional difficulties for users with-
out conforming data.
14.4.4 g eograPhic r eSourceS a nalySiS S uPPort S ySteM : spgrass6
The original interface package between GRASS 5 and R, GRASS , written and released on
CRAN in 2000, was tight-coupled, including a local copy of the core GRASS library, so that
GRASS database files could be read into and written from R (Bivand 2000, Bivand and Neteler
2000). Figure 14.5 shows how the R session was started from the command prompt in a running
GRASS session and location, giving ready access to GRASS and other commands through sys-
tem and to GRASS itself through calls to compiled C functions. This had the advantage of speed,
but the weakness of containing a modified fork of the core GRASS library, modified to use the
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