Geoscience Reference
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Figure 4. Saved forest area under different carbon prices during the next 100 years. Incentives...
periodic payments for standing biomass, Tax... payments for harvesting wood, Burn... felled wood
is burned immediately, Sell... harvested wood is sold, Burn/Sell... share of the wood will be burned
the other part sold.
In Figure 5 the suitability for agriculture is shown. Most of the high suitable land
is used today for crop production (see Figure 4).
Figure 5. Income under different carbon prices. Tax... payments for harvesting wood, Burn... felled
wood is burned immediately, Sell... harvested wood is sold, Burn/Sell... share of the wood will be
burned the other part sold.
Figure 6 shows the carbon in forests. It can be seen, that the highest densities are
located near the tropical belt. One reason for this is that, the biomass in tropical forests
is high. Note that this picture shows the tons of carbon per grid and the grid size is 0.5°
× 0.5° so the grid has its largest size near the equator.
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