Geoscience Reference
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Figure 2. Dissolved-solids concentrations in basin-fill aquifers in Arizona and New Mexico are
typically less than 1,000 mg/l, but can be much higher. Areas of higher concentrations include low
parts of some basins where dissolved solids are concentrated by evapotranspiration from shallow
ground water, basins with smaller fluxes of water naturally circulating through the ground water
system, near deposits of saline minerals, and in some areas of salt buildup from intensive irrigation.
(modified from Kister, 1973; Robson and Banta, 1995).
Subsurface data on water chemistry and hydrology typically are restricted to near-
surface, freshwater aquifers and to sediments containing deeper, commonly highly
saline, oil-fi eld water. Few wells are located in intermediate areas that might be of
interest for saline-water development. Thus, surface and subsurface geophysical tech-
niques to supplement information from wells may prove useful tools for saline water-
resource evaluation.
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