Geoscience Reference
In-Depth Information
5. Do not stay on flat land while the risk from jökulhlaup is predicted. Go to
higher areas. If you are in an area that is flis pr by water use a white flag to
signal for assistance. Follow all announcements on TV and radio.
C . Precautions due to lightning (back right hand side)
The risk for lightning is greatest in or close to the plume and can reach to a distance of
30-40 km from the volcano itself.
1. When there is the risk of lightning you should seek shelter in secure buildings,
out-houses or cars (not convertibles).
2. Unplug all equipment from electricity inside the house and from outdoor an-
tennas including electrical equipment, radio transmitters. Use indoor antennas
if possible. Avoid using the telephone and remember that a phone may ring
due to electricity from the lightning. Disconnect all fences from the house and
unplug electrical fences from the house electricity.
3. If you are outdoors you should avoid being close to high lines, high trees,
poles, laundry lines, electrical poles, masts, and agricultural equipment of any
kind. Try to avoid wetlands, water, and rivers.
4. Unload things that can attract electricity such as rucksacks and fishing rods.
5. If you think that lightning will hit close to you and you cannot find shelter, stay
on your feet and crouch down with your hands on your knees. Do not lay flat.
Electricity does not remain in someone who has been hit by lightning. Call 112 and
administer fi rst aid.
In addition to reviewing their perception of the evacuation exercise, the contents of
the resident questionnaire were discussed with each person. A tape recorder was used
for interviews when permission was granted. Written notes were taken during all inter-
views and these were transcribed into Microsoft Word® directly after each interview.
Conducting Questionnaire Survey Interviews
Our questionnaire was constructed using a format developed and tested by Bird and
Dominey-Howes (2008) and adapted to the geographic and hazard focus of Katla. Fur-
ther questions were developed based on residents' experience and discussion during
the evacuation exercise. The final structure of the specific questions we included were
discussed and negotiated with regional emergency personnel to ensure that the survey
generated data of value to them in reviewing and improving their emergency manage-
ment strategies. Therefore, it was important to pre-test our new questionnaire in order
to highlight any errors or inconsistencies and to assess whether or not it would gener-
ate valuable data which are conducive to the goals of the project (Bird and Dominey-
Howes, 2008; McGuirk and O'Neill, 2005; Parfitt, 2005). The pilot phase was carried
out with local residents in April 2006. A few minor problems arose with respect to
wording and sequencing of two questions. These issues were addressed prior to the
main study.
Each questionnaire was printed in English with Icelandic translations. Translations
were undertaken by a bilingual translator and then sent to another bilingual transla-
tor for verifi cation. Participants were given the choice of conducting the interview
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