Geoscience Reference
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3. Hazard maps and seismic risk assessment of underground pipeline systems
Seismic risk assessment for underground structures has generally been performed based
on PGV hazardmaps,sincethecorrespondingvulnerabilityfunctionsareusuallydefined
in terms of PGV as well (NIBS, 2004). However, the large scatter of such relation-
ships and the close link between earthquake ground deformations and seismic loads
in underground structures has suggested replacing PGV with PGS as the parameter to
quantify ground motion severity. In this perspective, O'Rourke and Deyoe (2004) have
recently re-examined the available data on damage to pipeline systems and deduced a
new relationship between repair rate on the pipeline network and PGS . The drawback
of this approach is that its application for seismic risk assessment requires production of
hazard maps in terms of PGS . In the absence of well established approaches to evaluate
transient ground strains, or of sound formulas relating PGS to other peak parameters of
ground motion, PGS -based hazard maps are typically obtained in two ways, the alterna-
tive approaches involving either a large set of 2D numerical simulations along various
azimuths or a fully3D one being presently toodemanding:
a) byconstructinga PGV hazardmap(eitherbyprobabilistichazardstudiesorinterms
ofascenarioearthquake)andtransposingitinto PGS (eitheraxialorshear,seecom-
mentsinthesequel)throughastraightforwarddivisionof PGV byasuitablemeasure
of theapparent wave propagation velocity;
b) byperformingalargesetof1Dwavepropagationanalyseswiththebestinformation
available on the local ground properties and a selection of the input motion compat-
ible with the target hazard; these analyses may lead either to a map with the spatial
distributionof PGV ,whence PGS canbededucedasatpoint(a),ortheycanprovide
the shear strainat a selected depth (theshear strainat surface being vanishing).
While the main drawback of approach (a) has been extensively discussed in the first part
of this paper, approach (b) involving a direct calculation of PGS through 1D ground
motion simulations, suffers of twomajor limitations.
forwardly in terms of longitudinal strains. While shear strains
(γ )
are mostly interesting
mainly governed by longitudinal strains
. As shown in Figure 18.10, referring to the
( PGSa )isveryscattered:ataround3mdepth,wheremostpipelines
are embedded, the ratio between PGSs and PGSa ranges between about 1 and 4, with a
mean value around 1.75. At larger depths, as shown in Figure 18.10 for a representative
furtherstudiesarerecommendedtoassessageneralrelationshipbetween PGSs and PGSa
as a function of depth, earthquake magnitude and site characteristics, the results shown
in Figure 18.10 support the use of calculated shear strains for both axial and transversal
( PGSs )and
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