Geoscience Reference
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Inc., and Tokyo Gas Company, Ltd. for their generous support of the work presented
in this paper. The large-scale experiments on HDPE pipelines were performed with the
facilities of the George E. Brown, Jr., Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation.
Recognition is also extended to previous students and current members of the Cornell
and JF Chipalowsky. Recognition is also extended to Cornell's research partners at PPI,
including MJ O'Rourke, TAbdoun, and MDSymans.
Cornell University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Sciencenter Discovery Center (2006)
NEESRAnnual Report,reportsubmitted to National Science Foundation,
Fellenius BH, (1980) The analysis of results from routine pile load tests. Ground Engineering,
Hamada M, O'Rourke TD, eds (1992) Case Studies of Liquefaction and Lifeline Performance
ofNew Yorkat Buffalo,Buffalo,NY, February 1992, Technical ReportNCEER-92-0001
Hansen JB (1963) Discussion of “hyperbolic stress-strain response: cohesive soils,” by
R.L. Kondner. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations Division, ASCE 89(SM4):
Isenberg J (1979) Role of corrosion in water pipeline performance in three US earthquakes. Proc.
of the 2nd US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Stanford, CA, August 1979,
pp 683-692
Jeon S-S, O'Rourke TD (2005) Northridge earthquake effects on pipelines and residential build-
ings.Bulletinofthe Seismological Society of America, BSSA 95-1:1-25
O'Rourke TD, Hamada M, eds (1992) Case Studies of Liquefaction and Lifeline Performance
ofNew York at Buffalo, Buffalo,NY, Technical ReportNCEER-92-0002
quake. Spatial Analysis in SoilDynamics andEarthquake Engineering, ASCE, FrostD, ed
nicalSpecialPublicationNo.75,ASCE,PakoulisP,Yegian M,HoltzD,eds,Reston,VA,1998,
O'Rourke TD, Toprak S, Sano Y (1998) Factors affecting water supply damage caused by the
Northridge earthquake. Proc. of the 6th US National Conference on Earthquake Engineering,
Seattle, WA, June 1998, pp1-12
O'Rourke TD, Jeon S-S (1999) Factors affecting the earthquake damage of water distribution sys-
tems. Proc. of the 5th US Conference on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering, Seattle, WA, ASCE,
Reston,VA, August 1999,pp 379-388
O'Rourke TD, Stewart HE, Jeon S-S (2001) Geotechincal aspects of lifeline engineering, Proc.
of Institution of Civil Engineers Geotechnical Engineering, Vol 149, Issue 1, January 2001,
pp 13-26
Toprak S, O'Rourke TD, Tutuncu I (1999) Geographic information system (GIS) characterization
of spatially-distributed lifeline damage. Proc. of the 5th US Conference on Lifeline Earthquake
Engineering, Seattle, WA, ASCE,Reston, VA, August 1999, pp 110-119
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