Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 15.43. Configuration of 1-Gmodel for screen-pipe test (Harada et al.,2006)
Fig. 15.44. Timehistoryofbaseshaking with300Galinamplitude (Haradaetal.,2006)
fluid 11 times greater than water in order to consider the similitude to some extent. Base
shaking was produced in a harmonic manner in the longitudinal direction of the laminar
Figure15.45 compares time histories of excess pore water pressures in two cases; one
with and the other without screen pipes. In the former case, the pipes surrounded the
group pile with a spacing of 60mm. It is supposed that the installation of drains around
an existing foundation is feasible in practice of protection from liquefaction problems.
Figure15.45 clearly indicates that excess pore water pressures inside and outside the
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