Geoscience Reference
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appreciate the contributions of U. Gulerce and the Center for Geotechnical Modeling
staff in performing the centrifuge tests, the valuable comments and discussions provided
by I. M. Idriss, D. W. Wilson, A. Abghari, A. Perez-cobo, and T. Shantz over the dura-
liquefaction effects on bridges, including P. Arduino, S. Ashford, J. Bray, A. Elgamal,
C. Ledezma, S. Kramer, G. Martin, and Z. Yang.
fixed offshore platforms.APIRP2A-WSD, 20th ed, American Petroleum Institute
Boulanger RW, Kutter BL, Brandenberg SJ, Singh P, Chang D (2003) Pile foundations
in liquefied and laterally spreading ground: Centrifuge experiments and analyses. Report
UCD/CGM-03/01, Center for Geotechnical Modeling, University of California, Davis, 205 pp,
Boulanger RW, Brandenberg SJ (2004) Neutral plane solution for liquefaction-induced down-
drag on vertical piles. Proc, Geotechnical Engineering for Transportation Projects, GSP 126,
MK Yegian and E Kavazanjian, eds, ASCE,pp 403-410
Boulanger RW, Tokimatsu K (2006) Geotechnical Special Publication No 145: Seismic Perfor-
mance and Simulation ofPileFoundations inLiquefied and LaterallySpreading Ground. ASCE
Press,Reston,VA, 321pp
Boulanger RW, Chang D, Gulerce U, Brandenberg SJ, Kutter BL (2006) Evaluating pile pinning
effects on abutments over liquefied ground. Seismic Performance and Simulation of Pile Foun-
dations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground, GSP 145, ASCE, pp 306-318
Brandenberg SJ, Boulanger RW, Kutter BL, Chang D (2007a) Static pushover analyses of pile
groups in liquefied and laterally spreading ground in centrifuge tests. J. Geotech. Geoenviron.
Eng., ASCE,133, in press
Brandenberg SJ, Boulanger RW, Kutter BL, Chang D (2007b) Liquefaction-induced softening
Bray JD, Travasarou T (2007) Simplified procedure for estimating earthquake-induced deviatoric
slope displacements. J.Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng., ASCE133(4): 381-392
Caltrans (2006) Seismic Design Criteria,Version 1.4, June
and lateral spreading loads on pile groups during earthquakes. Earthquake Engineering and Soil
Dynamics, GSP 133, ASCE
Chang D, Boulanger RW, Brandenberg SJ, Kutter BL (2006) Dynamic analyses of soil-pile-
structure interaction in laterally spreading ground during earthquake shaking. Seismic Perfor-
mance and Simulation of Pile Foundations in Liquefied and Laterally Spreading Ground, GSP
145, ASCE, pp 218-229
Chang D (2007) Inertial and lateral spreading demands on soil-pile-structure systems in liquefied
and laterally spreading ground during earthquakes. PhD dissertation, University of California,
Cubrinovski M, Ishihara K (2006) Assessment of pile group 8response to lateral spreading by
single pile analysis. Seismic Performance and Simulation of Pile Foundations in Liquefied and
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