Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 12.18. Results of embankment displacement analyses fordifferent restraining
forces fromthepiles: (a)yield acceleration fromslopestabilityanalyses and (b)
embankment slidemass displacements fromNewmark sliding block calculations
restraining force curve. Embankment slide mass displacement curves are shown for
S r / σ vc ratios of 0.22 and 0.26 because this range of S r / σ vc ratios produced estimated
displacements for zero restraining force that bracket the observed displacement of about
1.7m at the crest of the nonpiled embankment in the centrifuge tests. The correspond-
ing solutions for compatible abutment (or crest) displacements on the piled embankment
range from 0.55 to 0.70m, with the larger value being close to the observed crest dis-
placement of about 0.75m. Computed bending moments in the piles for this range of
compatible displacements were also in reasonable agreement with the values measured
in the centrifuge test. Good agreement between computed and observed responses for
embankment displacements was calibrated to the observed crest displacement for the
nonpiled embankment.
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