Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 12.3. Responses froma centrifuge model of a pile group inlaterallyspreading
ground showing that peak pile-cap displacements and peak pilebending moments
occurred during shaking while the lateral spreading displacements continued to increase
after the end of shaking. Note that somerecords have nonzero starting values because
themodel had been shaken bya previous event
for by applying scaling factors, or p-multipliers
, to the p-y resistances. The scaling
factors shown in Figure 12.5, for example, only account for the first order effects of
m p )
r u )
isexpectedtobelessthan100%,avalueform p maybelinearlyinterpolatedbetweenthe
valuesthatareestimatedforfree-fieldr u valuesof0%and100%(e.g.,Dobryetal.,1995).
D R )
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