Geoscience Reference
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Figure 2.23 shows the dependence of the energy W 2 of a wave, excited by
a running displacement, upon the velocity of the displacement propagation, v .
When the parameter b / H > 2, the dependence exhibits a maximum, determined by
the value of b / H , in the region of v
(g H ) 1 / 2 . The figure presents the relationship
between the fractions of energy attributed to waves running along ( W + ) and against
( W ) the direction of propagation of the running displacement versus the displace-
ment velocity. This dependence also has a maximum in the vicinity of v
1. When
the parameter b / H decreases, the maximum is shifted noticeably towards smaller
velocities. When the propagation velocity of the displacement increases, the curves
in Fig. 2.23b asymptotically tend towards unity, independently of the value of b / H ,
which points to a loss of orientation by the energy emission at large values of v .
Figure 2.24 presents the dependence of the maximum possible energy of waves,
excited by piston-like and running displacements of the basin bottom, upon the pa-
rameter b / H . In the case of b / H < 2 the type of displacement is seen to be irrelevant.
When b / H > 2, a running displacement turns out to be capable of exciting waves
more effectively than a piston-like displacement, and, while curve 1 tends asymp-
totically towards an evident long-wave limit equal to unity, the maximum energy of
a wave, excited by a running displacement actually increases linearly with the pa-
rameter b / H . It must be noted that in this case the linear increase of dimensionless
energy signifies a quadratic dependence of its dimensional value upon the size of
the generation area, b .
Fig. 2.23 Energy of waves (a), excited by a running displacement versus the propagation veloc-
ity of the displacement. b—The relationship between the fractions of energy attributed to waves
running along ( W + ) and against ( W ) the direction of propagation of the running displacement
versus the displacement velocity for L = 10, 5, 2 and 1 (1-4, respectively)
Fig. 2.24 Dependence of
maximum possible energy of
waves, excited by piston-like
(1) and running (2) displace-
ments, versus the size of
the generation area
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