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The record shows an anomalous wave registered at a moment of time 617 s after
registration started (the wave is shown in a larger scale in the insert); the wave's
main characteristics are the following:
Height h max = 10 . 32 m (which exceeds the significant height h s = 2 . 6 m by a fac-
tor of
h max / h = 4 . 86, h max / h + = 2 . 84, where h and h +
are the respective wave
heights before and after the anomalous wave
C / h max = 0 . 86, where C is the height of the crest
Analysis of the maximum and minimum of displacements of the wave surface (of
crests and troughs) as functions of the coordinate (determined during the entire reg-
istration time) revealed that the characteristic scale of localization of the peak wave
is approximately 20 m. The wave covers this distance in 4.3 s. Thus, formation of
the wave is sudden. Outside this region the wave field has no noticeable peaks.
The analysis performed of the record in [Divinsky et al. (2004)] and the search
for long-lived non-linear solitary wave groups (applying the method of the inverse
scattering problem in the approximation of the non-linear Schr odinger equation)
revealed that the anomalous wave arose against a background of intense waves
with amplitudes superior to the characteristic amplitudes of the surrounding waves.
A group of intense waves with similar parameters is also present in the record at
another moment of time, but it exhibits no anomalous behaviour.
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