Geoscience Reference
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It has already been noted above that the turbulence exchange coefficient de-
creases as the distance from the surface increases (towards the depth) according
to a law close to exponential. The present experiment explains this fact. The point
is that the source of turbulence consists in the intensive motion of water in stand-
ing surface waves (Faraday ripples). Obviously, as the distance from the surface
increases, the turbulence decreases. If there existed no upward going flow, then ver-
tical transfer would be accomplished only by turbulent diffusion. In calculations of
the turbulent exchange coefficient K ( z ) the possibility of adequate transfer was not
taken into account. The large spread of experimental data in Fig. 7.19 is explained
by the contribution of the flow to transfer processes being significant in some cases.
Thus, experiments have revealed two mechanisms conducive to the enhancement
of vertical exchange. The first is related to the development of turbulence due to
intensive motion of the liquid in standing waves; it only concerns the surface layer.
The second mechanism consists in a rising non-linear flow, forming above the os-
cillating bottom. Such a flow can realize the transfer directly from depth layers of
the ocean towards the surface.
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