Geoscience Reference
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Fig. 5.12 Formulation of the problem of a tsunami run-up on the coast
In determining boundary conditions for practical tsunami calculations the so-
called 'vertical wall' approximation has become widespread. A boundary condition
of this type provides for total reflection of the wave at a fixed isobath. Note that
the vertical wall approximation is not a purely academic abstraction, it imitates quite
a type of coast, encountered quite often—a rocky precipice, falling off to the water.
In the notation, given in Fig. 5.12, the vertical wall corresponds to
= 90 or to
L = 0.
From elementary theory of linear waves it is known that, if a channel of fixed
depth ends in a vertical wall, then the height of the run-up onto the wall is deter-
mined as twice the incident wave amplitude, R L = 2
ξ 0 .
Actually, when approaching the coast, the tsunami amplitude may be commen-
surable with the depth. Therefore, to determine the run-up height one must, gen-
erally speaking, apply non-linear theory. Omitting the details of resolving the non-
linear problem of long-wave theory, expounded in the topic [Pelinovsky (1996)],
we present the resulting analytical formula that relates the run-up onto a vertical
wall, R N , and the wave amplitude far from the coast,
ξ 0 ,
R N = 4 H 1 + ξ 0
1 / 2 ,
1 + ξ 0
where H is the basin depth. It is readily verified that the relation R L = 2
ξ 0 is a partial
case of formula (5.46) given the condition
1. Comparison of quantities R L
and R N shows that taking into account non-linearity enhances the run-up amplitude
insignificantly. As the non-linearity (of quantity
ξ 0 / H
ξ 0 / H ) increases, the ratio R N R L
grows monotonously, but this growth is not without limit,
= 2 .
ξ H
This means, the run-up amplitude, calculated with account of non-linearity, can-
not be superior to twice the amplitude corresponding to linear theory.
We further consider the one-dimensional problem of a long wave moving along
a slope (0 <
/ 2). We write the non-linear equations for shallow water, taking
into account that the basin depth is a linear function of the horizontal coordinate,
H = H 0 α
x ,
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