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u 0 (0)
1 + 4 C B u 0 (0)
u 0 ( t )=
where u 0 (0) is the velocity amplitude at time moment t = 0. Taking advantage of
the relat ionship between the free-surface d ispl acement and the flow velocity u
ξ g / H and taking into account that x = t g H , we obtain an expression describing
variation of the wave amplitude along the horizontal coordinate,
ξ 0 (0)
1 + x / L 2 ,
0 ( x )=
H 2
4 C B ξ 0 (0)
where L 2 =
is the distance, along which the wave amplitude becomes
two times smaller. 1 We shall call this quantity the non-linear dissipation length.
We shall point out a number of special features, distinguishing viscous (linear)
and non-linear damping of long waves from each other. First, the actual character of
damping is different: in the first case it is exponential, while in the second it is hy-
perbolic. Second, the characteristic distance, along which noticeable wave damping
occurs ( L 1 and L 2 ), is related to different parameters of the problem. The quantity
L 1 depends on the wave frequency and on the basin depth, while the quantity L 2 de-
pends on the wave amplitude and depth. In both cases the distance L i increases with
the depth H , but in the case of non-linear damping this dependence is stronger.
Figure 5.8 presents the dependences of dissipation lengths L 1 and L 2 upon
the ocean depth. Calculations are performed for characteristic ranges of tsunami
wave frequencies (10 4 -10 2 Hz) and amplitudes (0.1-10 m) for the coefficient
C B = 0 , 0025, viscosity
= 10 6 m 2 /s. From the figure it is seen that for condi-
tions of the open ocean, H > 10 3 m, viscous and non-linear friction cannot influ-
ence tsunami wave propagation in any noticeable way. For dissipative effects to
Fig. 5.8 Tsunami wave dis-
sipation length versus ocean
depth. Curves 1, 2—viscous
(linear) dissipation, 3, 4—
non-linear dissipation. The
calculation is performed for
C B = 0 . 0025,
= 10 6 m 2 /s.
Curve 1—10 4 Hz, 2—
10 2 Hz, 3—0.1 m, 4—10 m.
For comparison, the dotted
line shows a distance equal
to the length of the Earth's
1 With a precision up to a numerical coefficient, this quantity is in accordance with the result
obtained in the topic [Pelinovsky (1996)].
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