Geoscience Reference
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Sundberg, J. (2003) Masculinist epistemologies and the politics of fi eldwork in Latin Ameri-
canist Geography. The Professional Geographer , 55(2), 180-90.
Sundberg, J. (2004) Identities in the making: conservation, gender, and race in the Maya
Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Gender, Place and Culture: A Journal of Feminist Geog-
raphy , 11(1), 43-66.
Turner, M. and Taylor, P. (2003) Critical refl ections on the use of remote sensing and GIS
technologies in human ecology research. Human Ecology , 31(2), 177-82.
West, P., Igoe, J. and Brockington, D. (2006) Parks and peoples: the social impact of pro-
tected areas. Annual Review of Anthropology , 35, 251-77.
Wolford, W. (2006) The difference ethnography can make: understanding social mobilization
and development in the Brazilian Northeast. Qualitative Sociology , 29, 335-52.
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